Monday, April 14, 2008

BSM and car update

Let's startwith the car, I guess it was what Charlie called a sway bar, it attaches to my frame and is basically the stabilizer to help even me out on curves and turns. But it's a really good thing that I stopped because it was rubbing against stuff including my hydraulic brakeline so I could have lost brakes if I had tried to see how far I could go! I'm glad that I listened when something told me to pull over! I've never been extremely spiritual but I think that someone else was there with me Friday night! And it sounds like I'm gonna be getting a "new" car too! I have an oil leak, a coolant leak, and my something else is leaking (I don't remember what it was called) and if it goes you have to lift out the whole engine to fix! It would cost more than my car is worth! Thank God I have a handy hubby because this fix only cost me $11! Go Charlie

And now my pics:

I love this one, it's my fave so far!
And these two are before and after shots!She was mad because I wouldn't let her take another bath!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

look at your BSM! I am proud of you!!! :)