Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The last week was way too busy. Sami had her 12 month appt. she weighs 19lbs 4oz and is 29.5 inches long and doing great!

Then on Saturday Sami started what they called "breath-holding spells" which i think is a load of rubbish! She cries, holds her breath and then her eyes roll back her face turns blue and she passes out! The ER doc told Charlie that this was a phase and she'd grow out of it, they didn't look at anything other than what a ped would at a well check... wouldn't you think they'd be more concerned? Or want to check her little noggin, nope they didn't!
She did it 3 times this weekend and it sucked!
And then I had to sit down with Mady and tell her that her Nana went to heaven, and let me tell you, explaining that to a 3 year old is hard. I told my mom that I quit lol! She seemed to take it okay, I just told her that next time she went to Buddy's she wouldn't see Nana because she wouldn't be there anymore and that she went to live with Jesus. And leave to Mady to ask me if it was the baby Jesus... I told her yes and baby Jesus really needed a Nana and that Mady had so many ppl that love her and that He saw how much Nana loved Mady that she would make Him a great Nana. She liked the idea that Nana got to help take care of Jesus, but at 3 how else can it be put into easy words lol... hopefully it'll be a long time (a really really long time) before I have to do that again.

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